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. 2015 May 6;145(6):1239–1248. doi: 10.3945/jn.115.213025


Important dietary sources of flavonoids for adults aged ≥20 y in WWEIA, NHANES 2007–2008 (1 d)1

Flavonoid class and important sources Rank Percentage contribution
Anthocyanidins 78
 Berries 1 20
 Wine 2 16
 Bananas 3 11
 Grapes 4 11
 Red/purple vegetables2 5 8
 100% juice, noncitrus 6 6
 Yogurt 7 6
Flavan-3-ols 95
 Tea 1 95
Flavanones 88
 100% juice, citrus 1 60
 Citrus fruit 2 26
Flavones 79
 Mixed dishes 1 28
 Condiments and sauces 2 12
 Tea 3 10
 Sweet peppers 4 9
 Celery, squash 5 8
 Melons 6 7
 Lettuce 7 5
Flavonols 68
 Tea 1 39
 Mixed dishes 2 13
 Beer 3 6
 Onions 4 5
 White potatoes 5 5
Isoflavones3 88
 Soy-based protein powder 1 32
 Milk substitutes 2 15
 Mixed dishes 3 15
 Processed soy products 4 13
 Snack/meal bars 5 8
 Beans, peas, legumes 6 5
Total4 80
 Tea 1 80

An “important” source is defined as a food/beverage category that contributes ≥5% of the intake of a flavonoid class or total flavonoids (70). WWEIA, What We Eat in America.


Includes eggplant, red cabbage, and radish.


Determination of important dietary sources of isoflavones excluded isoflavones contributed by functional ingredients added in small amounts to foods and beverages, because those ingredients were omitted from calculation of flavonoid values in the provisional flavonoid addendum (55).


Sum of dietary flavonoids in the 6 classes listed.