Table 5.
Estimated variance components for faculty ability to correctly identify student performance level on TOSCE, Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, 2014
Source of variance | dfa | 1 team, 1 student/teamb | 4 teams, 4 students/teamb |
Faculty (p) | 14 | 0.00650 | 0.00650 (24.81) |
Team (t) | 3 | 0.00620 | 0.00155 (5.92) |
Student (s): Team (t) | 12 | 0.07123 | 0.00445 (16.98) |
pt | 42 | 0.01949 | 0.00487 (18.59) |
ps:t,e | 168 | 0.14127 | 0.00883 (33.70) |
df indicates degrees of freedom.
Variance component (% of total variance).
TOSCE: Team Observed Structured Clinical Encounter.