CP-mediated inhibition of PVA gene expression is dependent on translation of the CP cistron. We studied the effects of CPwt on the transcription and translation of viral and nonviral RNAs. Agrobacterium containing CPwt was introduced to plants by infiltration 24 h before the viral and nonviral constructs were introduced. Leaf samples were collected at 3 and 10 dpi for RLuc activity measurements as well as for RNA quantification via qRT-PCR. Firefly luciferase (FLuc) was used as an internal control to normalize RLuc activity. For qRT-PCR, six biological replicates from each sample set were pooled, and eight technical replicates were produced from them. The protein phosphatase 2A gene (a housekeeping gene) was used as a reference gene, and RLuc was used as the target during quantitative PCR. Normalized gene expression was calculated according to equation 2 of Q-Gene (32). **, P < 0.01; *, P < 0.05. (A) Expression of CPwt and GUS with RLuc-CP-3′UTR (middle panel) and RLucSTOP-CP-3′UTR (right panel). The left panel shows the expression of bicistronic constructs RLuc-CP-3′UTR and RLucSTOP-CP-3′UTR in Nicotiana benthamiana plants at 3 dpi, with no significant difference in the translation of both constructs. (B) Expression of CPwt and GUS with PVAwt (left and middle panels). The right panel shows the fold difference in RNA expression from plants expressing PVAwt and GUS and those expressing PVAwt and CPwt, collected at 10 dpi. (C) Expression of CPwt and GUS with PVASTOPCP (left and middle panels). The right panel shows the fold difference in RNA expression from plants expressing PVASTOPCP and GUS and those expressing PVASTOPCP and CPwt, collected at 10 dpi. **, P < 0.01; *, P < 0.05.