Quantification of effects of vBcl-2 on KSHV gene expression by RT-qPCR. RNA was isolated from iSLK cells that were infected with the indicated recombinant viruses (BAC16 and BAC16-vBcl-2-stop [A] or BAC16-mCherry-vBcl-2 and BAC16-mCherry-vBcl-2-stop [B]), and the abundance of specific viral mRNAs (orf50 [RTA], orf59, orf65, orf16, and beta-actin) was measured by RT-qPCR. Analysis was performed with RNA harvested 24, 48, and 72 h after induction of lytic replication with doxycycline and sodium butyrate, while the corresponding untreated cells were used as controls. Each bar represents the average of the results from three repeats. The fold increase in mRNA abundance after induction relative to the amount of mRNA from wild-type virus at 24 h postinduction, which was defined as 1 after normalization to the amount of beta-actin, is shown. RQ, relative quantity. Results from one experiment are shown and are representative of those from three experiments providing similar results.