Effect of environmental temperature and light–dark phase on physical activity and food intake. A,B. Components of energy expenditure as a function of environmental temperature. PAEE (green), TEF (red), CIT (blue), and BMR (black) are mean of daily average ± SEM of 11 chow-fed C57BL/6J mice, presented in kcal/h (A) or as a fraction of total daily energy expenditure (B). C. Example of calculation of PAEE in one mouse. PAEE (green) is the TEE minus the EE at rest (no activity), determined by quadratic regression of EE vs activity. TEF (red), CIT (blue), and BMR (black) are defined in the methods and results. Squares are 22 °C; circles are 33 °C. D. Physical activity during the dark and light phases. E. Food intake during the dark and light phases. Data in A,B,D,E are mean ± SEM, pooling 11 chow-fed male C57BL/6J mice from two independent experiments.