Fig. 1.
Panel A shows a left anterior oblique (LAO) view on a CARTO activation map in the recipient and donor atria. The red color represents the earliest activation. The light blue points represent the sites of 2:1 conduction block at the border zone. The blue points represent the sites with Af activation in the recipient atria. The grey points represent scar areas. In Panel B, only activation mapping of the clinical AFL in the recipient RA is performed. The activations of Af and 2:1 conduction are both tagged only by location (white points). A counterclockwise CTI-dependent AFL is present in this modified activation map. Panel C shows the different activation electrograms of the ablation catheter at the different sites. Location 1 is at six clock relative to the TA. Location 2 and 3 are at the anterior-superior wall and posterior-inferior wall respectively