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. 2015 Apr 8;2(2):ENEURO.0001-15.2015. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0001-15.2015

Figure 4.

Figure 4

AAV-labeled CST axons in relation to the fibrotic and astroglial scar after SCI in mice. A−E, AAV8-UbC-tdTomato was used to label CST axons in Col1α1-GFP mice where fibroblasts are labeled with GFP (n = 3 biological replicates) (see also Movie 3). A−C, At 4 weeks after a contusive SCI, 3D reconstruction of the injury site using LSFM shows the lesioned CST (magenta) terminating at the rostral edge of the fibrotic scar (green). D, E, 3D reconstruction using confocal microscopy shows greater number of CST axons and fibroblasts. F−J, AAV8-UbC-GFP was used to label CST axons in GFAPCreER-tdTomato mice where astrocytes are labeled with tdTomato (see also Movie 4). F−H, At 4 weeks after a dorsal hemisection, 3D reconstruction of the injury site using LSFM showed lesioned CST axons (green) terminating around the astroglial scar (magenta). While the fluorescent signal was not sufficient to clearly identify the astroglial scar using LSFM, confocal microscopy provided much better results (I, J, n = 3 biological replicates). All images are from cleared mouse spinal cord 4 weeks after midthoracic injury and virus injection. Boxed area in A is represented in B−E. Scale bars: A, F, 200 μm; B−E, 50 μm; G−J, 100 μm.