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. 2015 May 26;10(5):e0125350. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0125350

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of patients included according to treatment arm.

Variable Response Category Arm1 gemcitabine alone (N = 49) Arm 2 FOLFIRI.3 + gemcitabine (N = 49)
N % N %
Sex male 28 57.1 31 63.3
female 21 42.9 18 36.7
WHO performance status 0 16 32.6 16 32.7
1 33 67.4 33 67.3
Previous surgery no 40 81.6 38 77.6
yes 9 18.4 11 22.4
Surgery type curative 4 8.2 5 10.2
palliative 5 10.2 5 10.2
not applicable 40 81.6 38 77.6
missing 0 0.0 1 2.0
Number of metastatic sites 1 35 71.4 33 67.3
more than 1 14 28.6 16 32.7
Previous chemotherapy no 40 81.6 44 89.8
yes 3 6.1 2 4.1
missing 6 12.2 3 6.1
Primary tumor location head 29 59.2 18 36.7
body 11 22.5 17 34.7
tail 12 24.5 17 34.7
Sites of metastasis liver 35 71.4 39 79.6
lung 11 22.5 11 22.5
lymph node 7 14.3 5 10.2
peritoneal 10 20.4 16 33.7
other 2 4.0 3 6.1
Age (years) a 45 63 [41–76] 48 62 [38–76]
Leukocytes (/mm3) a 49 7600 [3100–36500] 49 8300 [85–21700]
neutrophils (/mm3) a 49 5000 [1800–32850] 48 5591.5 [2300–19530]
Creatinine (μmol/l) a 48 71.0 [39–105] 48 70 [45–108]
Glycaemia (mmol/l) a 29 6.2 [4.1–14] 25 5.8 [0.7–15]
Bilirubin (μmol/l) a 48 11.6 [4–227] 45 12 [1–154]
LDH (UI/L) a 23 271 [96–5022] 22 340.5 [133–766]
Hemoglobin (g/dl) a 49 12.8 [7.9–16.5] 48 12.9 [9.4–16]
Platelet (10^3/mm3) a 49 239 [94–570] 48 278.5 [111–634]
ASAT (UI/L) a 49 26 [8–149] 46 41.5 [10–187]
ALAT(UI/L) a 49 35 [8–155] 46 53.5 [10–348]
Prothrombin (%) a 39 93 [26–109] 41 86 [19–122]

aMedian [min-max] for continuous variables.