Table 2.
Gives a description of all the synaptic variables of various synaptic currents modeled using Equations (4) and (8) in Section Synaptic Connections.
Variable | Description |
hStrD1x→GPiij | Gating variables for GPi neuron due to GABAergic projections from D1 striatum. “x” represents the input #. For example, if there are 2 inputs presented to the model, x = 1, 2 |
hStrD2x→GPeij | Gating variable for GPe neuron due to GABAergic projections from D2 striatum |
hAMPA→GPeij/hNMDA→GPeij | Gating variable for GPe neuron due to glutamatergic input from STN due to either NMDA or AMPA receptor |
hGABA→STNij | Gating variable for STN neuron due to GABAergic input from GPe neuron |
hAMPA→STNij/hNMDA→STNij | Gating variable for STN neuron due to glutamatergic input from its collaterals due to either NMDA or AMPA receptor |
hGABA→GPeij | Gating variable for GPe neuron due to GABAergic input from its collaterals. |
IStrD1→GPiij | Inhibitory GABAergic current to GPi neuron from D1 striatum |
IStrD2→GPeij | Inhibitory GABAergic current to GPe neuron from D2 striatum |
IAMPA→GPeij/INMDA→GPeij | Excitatory glutamatergic current (AMPA/NMDA) from STN neuron to GPe neuron |
IGABA→STNij | Inhibitory GABAergic current from GPe neuron to STN neuron |
IAMPAlatij/INMDAlatij | Excitatory glutamatergic current (AMPA/NMDA) from STN neuron to STN neuron due to collateral synapses |
IGABAlatij | Inhibitory GABAergic current from GPe neuron to GPe neuron due to collateral synapses |
SGPeij | Spiking activity of GPe neuron at location (i, j) at time “t” |
SSTNij | Spiking activity of STN neuron at location (i, j) at time “t” |
SDxyij | Spiking activity of striatum at location (i, j) at time “t.” The variable “y” represents either D1 striatum (=1) or D2 striatum (=2) for an input stimulus “x” |
TN, Sub Thalamic Nucleus; GPe, Globus Pallidus Externa; GPi, Globus Pallidus Interna.