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. 2015 May 27;9:191. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00191

Table 2.

Gives a description of all the synaptic variables of various synaptic currents modeled using Equations (4) and (8) in Section Synaptic Connections.

Variable Description
hStrD1xGPiij Gating variables for GPi neuron due to GABAergic projections from D1 striatum. “x” represents the input #. For example, if there are 2 inputs presented to the model, x = 1, 2
hStrD2xGPeij Gating variable for GPe neuron due to GABAergic projections from D2 striatum
hAMPA→GPeij/hNMDA→GPeij Gating variable for GPe neuron due to glutamatergic input from STN due to either NMDA or AMPA receptor
hGABA→STNij Gating variable for STN neuron due to GABAergic input from GPe neuron
hAMPA→STNij/hNMDA→STNij Gating variable for STN neuron due to glutamatergic input from its collaterals due to either NMDA or AMPA receptor
hGABA→GPeij Gating variable for GPe neuron due to GABAergic input from its collaterals.
IStrD1→GPiij Inhibitory GABAergic current to GPi neuron from D1 striatum
IStrD2→GPeij Inhibitory GABAergic current to GPe neuron from D2 striatum
IAMPA→GPeij/INMDA→GPeij Excitatory glutamatergic current (AMPA/NMDA) from STN neuron to GPe neuron
IGABA→STNij Inhibitory GABAergic current from GPe neuron to STN neuron
IAMPAlatij/INMDAlatij Excitatory glutamatergic current (AMPA/NMDA) from STN neuron to STN neuron due to collateral synapses
IGABAlatij Inhibitory GABAergic current from GPe neuron to GPe neuron due to collateral synapses
SGPeij Spiking activity of GPe neuron at location (i, j) at time “t
SSTNij Spiking activity of STN neuron at location (i, j) at time “t
SDxyij Spiking activity of striatum at location (i, j) at time “t.” The variable “y” represents either D1 striatum (=1) or D2 striatum (=2) for an input stimulus “x

TN, Sub Thalamic Nucleus; GPe, Globus Pallidus Externa; GPi, Globus Pallidus Interna.