Figure 1.
The proviral maps of the βAS3-globin vectors. The AS3 provirus has the βAS3-globin expression cassette including the human β-globin gene exons (arrow heads) with three amino acid substitutions to encode the βAS3-globin protein, introns and 3′ and 5′ flanking regions, the β-globin mini-LCR with hypersensitive sites 2–4, the mutated Woodchuck hepatitis virus post-transcriptional regulatory element (ΔWPRE) and the 3′SIN-LTR containing the FB insulator which is copied into the 5’LTR after reverse transcription. (a) AS3 LV, noninsulated version lacking the FB element; (b) CCL-βAS3-FB parental vector (FB LV); (c) Ank-R LV includes one copy of the Ank insulator in the reverse orientation; (d) Ank-FR LV with two copies of the Ank insulator element flanking the expression cassette, one in forward and one in reverse orientation; (e) Ank-RR LV with two copies of the Ank insulator flanking the expression cassette, both in reverse orientation (all of the Ank-insulated LV retain the FB element); and (f) a positive control vector that includes a full-length copy (1.2 kb) of the cHS4 insulator in the 3′LTR that is copied to 5’LTR during reverse transcription.