Figure 6.
Schematic representation of the experimental crosses used to determine whether weedy rice accessions contained cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) genes. SL: sterile line; ML: maintainer line; WR: weedy rice. ① The weedy rice parent contains neither restorer of fertility (Rf) genes nor CMS genes; ② The weedy rice parent contains Rf genes and might contain CMS genes; ③ F1 hybrid fertility (affinity) used to judge whether a false negative exists in the result of ① ④ Fertility segregation in F2 individuals used to detect which weedy rice parent contains Rf genes; ⑤ The weedy rice parent does not contain CMS genes; ⑥ The weedy rice parent contains a CMS gene; ⑦ Detection of a CMS gene in weedy rice by a CMS gene molecular marker; ⑧ Verification of the result by artificial hybridization.