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. 2015 May 20;14:28. doi: 10.1186/s12904-015-0021-3

Table 3.

Proportions of Parkinson’s disease deaths occurring in hospital by patient and ecological characteristics (N = 34,430)

Characteristics Belgium France Italy Spain (Andalusia) Hungary Czech Republic New Zealand USA Canada Mexico South Korea
Demographic and social factors
male 33.1*** 46.3*** 34.6*** 39.0 63.8 38.9 23.6 19.8*** 50.0*** 23.7 74.1
female 20.1 32.3 28.1 36.9 55.0 39.5 13.5 14.1 32.7 24.6 75.1
<65 years 50.0*** 49.3*** 36.7*** 42.9 66.7§ 44.4 25.0 29.7*** 60.0** 23.3 80.0**
65 to 79 years 36.2 47.6 35.9 39.5 60.0§ 36.8 22.2 19.8 46.9 28.2 71.7
80+ years 20.7 36.6 29.1 37.1 60.0 40.0 16.8 15.8 39.9 21.2 78.5
Educational attainment:
no formal or elementary 25.8 _ 30.7 35.8 55.1 30.3 _ 19.6 _ 21.5*** 73.2
lower secondary 35.9 _ 36.6 43.8 100.0 39.5 _ 16.9 _ 31.3 _
higher secondary 32.7 _ 31.7 41.9 64.3 44.4 _ 17.2 _ 24.0 77.8
higher 27.3 _ 28.2 33.3 69.7 75.0 _ 17.3 _ 38.4 79.7
Social support
Marital status:
unmarried 24.5 32.9*** 30.1 26.7 57.1 0.0 _ 20.3*** 37.2*** 21.1 65.5**
married 31.1 47.0 32.7 42.7 67.7 42.0 _ 19.4 50.3 23.1 70.7
widowed 22.7 33.3 29.9 34.2 52.2 40.6 _ 14.2 33.6 25.3 79.3
divorced/ separated 21.4 36.7 40.5 75.0 46.2 22.2 _ 19.2 46.3 29.4 75.0
Residential factors
Urbanization level:
very strong/ strong 29.3 39.2 35.3*** 37.4 67.4 _ _ _ 42.9 _ 73.7**
average 24.5 39.5 35.8 38.1 51.1 _ _ _ _ _ 82.6
weak/ rural 22.4 -- 40.5 24.6 44.4 63.1 _ _ _ 39.0 _ 72.3
Health care system factors
Hospital beds/ 1000 inhabitants:
<= median 25 40 23*** 40 19.6 16.7* 41 23
> median 29 40 39 35 17.8 18.0 44 25
LTC-beds/ 1000 inhabitants age 65+:
<= median 27 39 23*** 36 24.8 17.3 41 _
> median 27 41 39 40 11.8 17.4 47 _

‘-‘ in cells represents that this information was not available in the country’s death certificate data. Percentages are row percentages. Abbreviation: LTC Long Term Care.

*Significant differences between categories within variable at 0.05 level, tested with Fisher Exact Test.; **Significant at 0.01 level ; ***Significant at 0.001 level.

In the Canadian death certificate data the urbanization level was categorized as ‘urban’ and ‘rural’.

‡Data on the region of residence within the country was not provided in the country’s death certificate data and hence the data on health care availability was for the country as a whole.

§For Hungary the age distribution was provided in different ranges: <60; 60–79; 80 + .