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. 2015 May 15;13(5):2967–3028. doi: 10.3390/md13052967

Table 2.

Marine species of red macroalgae (RHODOPHYTES) producing PS: some structural features and applications.

Type of PS Source Structure Action/ Application References
Main mono-Sugars/Disaccharide Units Glycosidic Bonds of Backbone
Rhodophyta Bangiales
S-galactan porphyran Porphyra spp. Gal (1,3)-β-d-gal or (1,4)-α-l-gal Antitumor, hypotensive, regulates blood cholesterol [113,114]
sPS P. haitanensis Antioxidant [115]
Porphyran P. yezoensis Antitumor, immunomodulatory, hypolipidaemic [116,117,118,119]
S-agarans Bostrychia montagnei Antiviral [120]
S-agarans Cryptopleura ramosa Antiviral [121]
Digenea simplex Antiviral [122]
LMW-PS Corallina sp. Antiviral [32]
Cryptonemia crenulata Gal Antiviral [123]
S-agaran Gloiopeltis complanata Gal, Agal [→3)-β-d-gal-(1→4)-3,6-α-l-Agal-(1→], and [→3)-β-d-gal-(1→4)-α-l-gal-(1→] [114]
Agaroid-carrageenan G. furcata Gal 6-O-methyl-gal, 3,6Agal(1,3)-β-d-, and (1,4)-α-l-gal or (1,4)-α-l-Agal [124]
di-S-galactan Gelidium crinale Gal Anticoagulant [125]
S-agarans and hybrid dl-galactans Pterocladia capillacea Gal Antiviral [126]
S-agarans S-galactans Aghardiella tenera
Antiviral [127,128]
S-λ-carrageenan Chondrus crispus Gal, Agal (1,3)-α-d-gal, and (1,4)-β-3,6-Agal or (1,4)-β-d-gal (alternating) Antiviral, anticoagulant, antithrombotic [1,5,129,130,131]
LMW-sPS C. ocellatus Antitumor [132]
S-galactans Euchema cottonii Gal Antioxidant [2]
S-κ-carrageenan E. spinosa Gal, Agal (1,3)-α-d-gal, and (1,4)-β-3,6-Agal or (1,4)-β-d-gal (alternating) Anticoagulant, anti-thrombotic [5,130,131]
LMW-sPS Furcellaria lumbricalis Immunostimulant [133]
S-galactans Gigartina acicularis Gal Antioxidant [2]
S-carrageenans G. skottsbergii Gal, Agal (1,3)-α-d-gal, and (1,4)-β-3,6-Agal or (1,4)-β-d-gal (alternating) Antiviral, anticoagulant [130,131,134,135]
Hybrid dl-galactans Gymnogongrus torulosus Gal Antiviral [136]
LMW-PS Hypnea charoides Antiviral [32]
LMW-S-carrageenans Kappaphycus striatus Gal, Agal (1,3)-α-d-gal, and (1,4)-β-3,6-Agal or (1,4)-β-d-gal (alternating) Antitumor, immunomodulator [1,131]
S-λ-carrageenan Phyllophora brodiei Gal, Agal (1,3)-α-d-gal, and (1,4)-β-3,6-Agal or (1,4)-β-d-gal (alternating) Anticoagulant, antithrombotic [130,131,137]
LMW-sPS Soliera chordalis Immunostimulant [138]
S-carrageenans Stenogramme interrupta Gal, Agal (1,3)-α-d-gal, and (1,4)-β-3,6-Agal or (1,4)-β-d-gal (alternating) Antiviral [130,131,139]
Gracilariales Antioxidant [2]
sPS Gracilaria caudata
S-agarans S-galactans G.corticata Gal Antiviral [140]
sPS G. verrucosa Immunomodulator [141]

Grateloupia indica Gal Anticoagulant, antithrombotic [137]
S-mannans Nemalion helminthoides Man Antiviral [142]
Nothogenia fastigiata Xyl, gal
Xyl, man
Antiviral, anticoagulant [143,144,145]
S-galactans Schizymenia dubyi Gal, uronic acid Antiviral [146]
S-λ-carrageenan S. pacifica Gal, Agal (1,3)-α-d-gal, and (1,4)-β-3,6-Agal or (1,4)-β-d-gal (alternating) Antiviral [130,131,147]
S-galactan S. binderi Gal Anticoagulant [148]
di-S-galactan; LMW-sPS Botryocladia occidentalis Gal Anticoagulant; anti-venom [149,150]
LMW-carrageenans Champia feldmannii Gal, Agal (1,3)-α-d-gal, and (1,4)-β-3,6-Agal or (1,4)-β-d-gal (alternating) Antitumor [130,131,151]
S-xylomannans Sebdenia polydactyla Xyl, man Antiviral [152]