Table 2. Clusters with significant changes in DTI indices of white matter microstructure after sleep deprivation (TP2 compared with TP3).
DTI parameter | No. of voxels in cluster | Change after sleep deprivation | MNI (x, y, z) maxima | Anatomical region of the peak voxel a | Peak voxel P-value |
FA | 30337 | ↓ | 21, −41, 27 | R Splenium* | 0.003 |
AD | 7680 | ↓ | 17, −4, 5 | R PLIC | 0.021 |
2676 | ↓ | −1, 29, 8 | Fmin | 0.029 | |
551 | ↓ | −20, 11, −23 | L Orbitofrontal* | 0.043 | |
12 | ↓ | 10, −22, 7 | R ATR | 0.049 | |
7 | ↓ | −17, 36, 18 | L Cingulum, Fmin | 0.049 | |
4 | ↓ | 19, 28, 35 | R Superior frontal gyrus* | 0.049 |
DTI; diffusion tensor imaging. TP; time point. MNI; Montreal Neurological Institute. R; right. L; left. PLIC; posterior limb of internal capsule. Fmin; forceps minor. ATR; anterior thalamic radiation.
aAnatomical region based on Johns Hopkins University (JHU) white matter tractography atlas and the ICBM-DTI-81 white matter labels atlas [36–38].
*Not within the white matter atlases; gross anatomical description.