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. 2015 May 28;10(5):e0127351. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127351

Table 2. Clusters with significant changes in DTI indices of white matter microstructure after sleep deprivation (TP2 compared with TP3).

DTI parameter No. of voxels in cluster Change after sleep deprivation MNI (x, y, z) maxima Anatomical region of the peak voxel a Peak voxel P-value
FA 30337 21, −41, 27 R Splenium* 0.003
AD 7680 17, −4, 5 R PLIC 0.021
2676 −1, 29, 8 Fmin 0.029
551 −20, 11, −23 L Orbitofrontal* 0.043
12 10, −22, 7 R ATR 0.049
7 −17, 36, 18 L Cingulum, Fmin 0.049
4 19, 28, 35 R Superior frontal gyrus* 0.049

DTI; diffusion tensor imaging. TP; time point. MNI; Montreal Neurological Institute. R; right. L; left. PLIC; posterior limb of internal capsule. Fmin; forceps minor. ATR; anterior thalamic radiation.

aAnatomical region based on Johns Hopkins University (JHU) white matter tractography atlas and the ICBM-DTI-81 white matter labels atlas [3638].

*Not within the white matter atlases; gross anatomical description.