Figure 2. Repeated social defeat does not impact appetitive lever-pressing.
A) Rats were trained in an appetitive conditioning task to lever press for sucrose, were matched for lever-pressing and then randomly assigned to control or stress groups. Indicative of the effectiveness of the matching, there was no significant difference between these groups in the number of active or inactive lever presses before control or stress procedures. B) Presentation of a bright light suppressed lever-pressing in the control group, compared to the no-light condition. The total number of active lever presses during the three 5-minute segments of appetitive testing was not significantly different (right). C) In a separate group of rats, there was no significant difference in lever-pressing between control and stress groups on the number of active lever presses in 5-minute segments (Testing phase) when measured after control or stress procedures (left). There was no significant difference between control and stress groups in the total number of active lever presses of the three 5-minute segments of appetitive testing (right).