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. 2004 Jul;70(7):4118–4128. doi: 10.1128/AEM.70.7.4118-4128.2004


Characteristics of stream water sampling sites, 2002 to 2003

Stream water sitea Stream flow conditionb Land use Potential sources of fecal contaminationc Drainage area (square miles) Population density (people/square mile) Stream flow at time of sampling (cubic feet/s)f
Alabama 1 Elevated Mixed (agricultural and forest) Feedlots and septic systems 374 33,000 163
Alabama 2ad Elevated Agricultural Free-range cattle and septic systems 29 2,100 36
Alabama 2bd Elevated Agricultural Free-range cattle and septic systems 29 2,100 44
Colorado 1e Effluent Agricultural CAFOs, applied manure, wildlife, and septic systems 567 5.9 NA
Colorado 2 Elevated Mixed (forest, rangeland, agricultural, and urban) WWTPs, CAFOs, applied manure, and wildlife 9,598 300 628
Georgia 1 Base Mixed (urban, forest, and agricultural) Large urban WWTP and combined-sewer overflows 2,060 690 1,140
Georgia 1 High Mixed (urban, forest, and agricultural) Large urban WWTP and combined-sewer overflows 2,060 690 8,400
Georgia 2 High Urban residential Septic systems 29 2,100 183
Indiana Elevated Agricultural Cows, septic systems, and WWTPs 610 61 142
Iowad Base Agricultural Hog CAFOs and manure 230 16 48
Iowad High Agricultural Hog CAFOs and manure 230 16 967
Louisianad Base Urban residential and commercial WWTP and combined-sewer overflows 15 3,000 2.2
Louisianad Elevated Urban residential and commercial WWTP and combined-sewer overflows 15 3,000 20
Nebraska High Agricultural Feedlots and septic systems 369 11 153
Nebraska Base Agricultural Feedlots and septic systems 369 11 23
Ohio Elevated Agricultural Cows and WWTPs 310 130 209
Ohio High Agricultural Cows and WWTPs 310 130 668
South Carolina 1 Base Agricultural CAFOs 23 210 7.4
South Carolina 1 Elevated Agricultural CAFOs 23 210 15
South Carolina 2 Elevated Urban WWTPs, street runoff, and raw sewage 60 1,800 65
Texas Elevated Mixed (urban and agricultural) WWTPs, street runoff, and raw sewage 6,278 410 4,030
Texas Base Mixed (urban and agricultural) WWTPs, street runoff, and raw sewage 6,278 410 340
Virginia 1 Base Urban residential and commercial Wildlife, recreation, and WWTPs 24 110,000 2.2
Virginia 2d Elevated Agricultural Feedlots and septic systems 14 110 14
Washington 1ad Base Agricultural Dairy CAFOs and applied manure 62 49 53
Washington 1bd Base Agricultural Dairy CAFOs and applied manure 62 49 38
Washington 2 High Urban residential and commercial WWTPs, street runoff, and wildlife 12 5,600 31
Wisconsin 1 High Agricultural Septic systems, dairy farms, and WWTPs 96 85 155
Wisconsin 2 Base Mixed (urban and agricultural) Septic systems, feedlots, applied manure, and WWTPs 696 520 88
Wisconsin 2 High Mixed (urban and agricultural) Septic systems, feedlots, applied manure, and WWTPs 696 520 993

If two sites were in the same state, they are labeled as state 1 and state 2. If two samples were collected at the same site and streamflow category, they are labeled as “a” and “b.”


High, streamflow was greater than 90% of all measured streamflows at that site; elevated, streamflow was between 50 and 90% of all measured streamflows at that site; base, streamflow was less than 50% of all measured streamflows at that site.


CAFO, concentrated animal feeding operation; WWTP, wastewater treatment plant.


Ten-year period of record data was not available, so streamflow categories were estimated.


Sample was collected from a drainage ditch on a cattle feedlot.


NA, not applicable.