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. 2015 May 28;44(Suppl 3):357–369. doi: 10.1007/s13280-015-0655-7

Table 3.

Summary of EBM assessment of the five case study areas. IF: Impact factor. For details see assessment and analysis matrices for each case study area separately in SM-S3 and S5

Area Systems thinking Average specificity Average integration Gaps and points of gravity
HK (A) Medium Medium Medium− All ecosystem aspects are included in the System Description but with varying specificity and linkages between aspects
The highest specificity is found in Systems Description and Monitoring/Evaluation, but is not matched in Goals and Strategies/Measures phases, creating a gap in the management process
Weak match across management phases, with the highest specificity in the System Description
Anthropogenic Processes are well specified in Goals and Strategies/Measures but less so in System Description and Monitoring/Evaluation
The monitoring system is described in detail, focusing on species and abiotic factors in terms of Relations and Ecological Processes by the use of indicators and the need for continuously evaluation and updating the management plan is addressed
The main emphasis is on System Description and Monitoring/Evaluation of all ecosystem aspects except for Anthropogenic Processes which are the focus of Goals and Strategies/Measures
SNS (B) Medium Low+ Low Strong focus and highest specificity at the species level of biodiversity across plan phases, terrestrial biotopes mentioned only in the Systems Description
Mismatch between System Description and the other plan phases for Relations and Ecological Processes, and Scales, regarding both content and specificity. Scales not addressed in Strategies/Measures or Monitoring/Evaluation
Change and Uncertainty is addressed across phases but with low specificity
The main emphasis is on the System Description and ecosystem aspects Biodiversity and Anthropogenic Processes
SAM (C) Medium Medium Medium− The specificity and integration is ‘medium’ to ‘high’ for Biodiversity, Relations and Ecological Processes
Change and Uncertainty, and Scales are formulated in general terms, indicating a lack of understanding of system dynamics
Goals formulation are general and vague
Severe lack of integration of Scales
No other uncertainties other than knowledge gaps are identified
No monitoring program, hence the adaptive approach is unfeasible
Quantitative indicators for the PVs are suggested as a way to specify the goals, but no indicators are suggested for the IFs that are the main targets of the suggested measures
The main emphasis is on System Description and the ecosystem aspects Biodiversity and Anthropogenic Processes
BA (D) High Medium Low All ecosystem aspects described in detail in a document from the Man and the Biosphere Area (MAB) designation processa
The specificity in the System Description is not matched in the other plan phases, except for Biodiversity and Anthropogenic Processes
The monitoring suggested in the MAB-document is not linked to the Goals and Strategies/Measures in the plan, making the adaptive approach unfeasible
System Description and Monitoring/Evaluation are not matched by the Goals and Strategies/Measures suggested, indicating a failure to operationalize the MAB process
No uncertainties other than knowledge gaps are identified
The main emphasis is on System Description and the ecosystem aspects Biodiversity and Anthropogenic Processes
NB (E) High Medium Medium+ All ecosystem aspects are addressed with rather ‘high’ specificity in the System Description, including their linkages
Weak match across phases for Scales, where the description is detailed, but scales are missing in Goals and Monitoring/Evaluation and only generally addressed in Strategies/Measures
Monitoring/Evaluation is lacking for Change and Uncertainty, Scales and Anthropogenic Processes hampering integration across phases
Measures focus on societal dynamics and are very specific and detailed, while the linkages and assumed effects on the PVs are left unspecified
The emphasis is on System Description and ecosystem aspects Biodiversity, Relations and Ecological Processes and Anthropogenic Processes

aThe EBM process in BA used material from the previous MAB document, which we therefore included in our analysis