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. 2012 Jan 18;205(11):1719–1729. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jir825

Table 2.

ropB Alleles Identified in 1178 Serotype M3 GAS Strains

Allele No. Codon Nucleotide Change Amino Acid Change Occurrences, No. Position in Codon Strain Collections SpeB Expression and Activity Strains Tested for SpeB, No.a
1 Wild-type None None 852 All Wild-typeb 9
2 1 G3A M1I 1 3 OI Absent 1
3 1 T2A M1K 1 2 US Absent 1
4 6 A16C T6P 1 1 OI Reduced 1
5 7 G19A V7I 104 1 OI, US, UK, OP Reducedc 56
6 7, 61 G19A, T182C V7I L61P 1 2 OP Absent 1
7 7, 103 G19A, T307C V7I S103Pd 1 1 OP Absent 1
8 7, 104 G19A, C311T V7I T104I 1 2 OP Absent 1
9 7, 226 G19A, G677A V7I R226Qd 47 2 OI, OP Absente 28
10 7, 235 G19A, T704C V7I I235T 1 2 US Absent 1
11 11 G33-1 FS/truncation 1 1 US Absent 1
12 22 G65A C22Y 8 2 OI, US, OP Absent 7
13 28 G83A R28K 1 2 UK Absent 1
14 28 A82G R28G 1 1 GDR Absent 1
15 29 C85G Q29E 1 1 GDR Absent 1
16 31 A92G Y31C 1 2 US Absent 1
17 33 C97 + 18 6 AA Insertion 4 In frame US Reduced 2
18 33 C97A R33S 1 1 AP Reduced 1
19 34 T100A F34I 1 1 OI Absent 1
20 43 C128A Nonsense 1 2 OI Absent 1
21 55 T164A V55D 1 2 US Absent 1
22 57 G169A V57I 3 1 US Wild-type 3
23 58 G172A D58N 1 1 AP Absent 1
24 62 T186 + 1 FS/truncation 7 1 AP Absentf 7
25 63 T188C I63T 12 2 US Absent 2
26 68 A204C K68N 2 3 US Wild-type 1
27 72 G214T Nonsense 1 1 US Absent 1
28 73 T218G F73C 1 2 US Absent 1
29 75 G223A D75N 1 1 US Wild-type 1
30 76 G228A M76I 1 3 US Absent 1
31 80 A240C K80N 14 3 US, OP Absent 2
32 83 T248C F83S 1 2 OI Absent 1
33 85 G254A C85Y 11 2 OI, US Reduced 4
34 87 C261 + 1 FS/truncation 2 1 US Absent 2
35 90 G268A G90D 1 1 US Absent 1
36 91 T272C L91S 1 2 US Absent 1
37 94 T281A I94N 1 2 OI Absent 1
38 100 G298 + 20 FS/truncation 1 2 US Absent 1
39 103 T307C S103P 5 1 OI, reference Reduced 2
40 103 C308A Nonsense 1 2 US Absent 1
41 105 A314T K105M 1 2 US Absent 1
42 107 G321T K107N 3 3 US Wild-type 3
43 111 G331A A111T 3 1 US Absent 2
44 111 C332A A111D 1 2 UK Absent 1
45 134 C402-8 FS/truncation 1 1 US Absent 1
46 136 C406A L136I 1 1 US Reduced 1
47 140 G418-1 FS/truncation 4 2 OP Absent 4
48 140 G418 + 6 2 AA insertion 1 In frame US Absent 1
49 142 G425A Nonsense 1 2 US Absent 1
50 143 G428A S143N 1 2 OI Absent 1
51 150 T448A F150I 1 3 US Absent 1
52 151 A451T N151Y 3 1 OI Absent 2
53 151 T453A N151K 1 3 US Absent 1
54 152 A455T N152I 1 3 US Absent 1
55 154 G462A M154I 1 3 OI Absent 1
56 173 C517T L173F 1 1 US Absent 1
57 179 T536A L179Q 1 2 US Absent 1
58 180 G539A R180K 1 2 GDR Absent 1
59 184 T552A N184K 2 3 OI Absent 2
60 189 G567A M189I 3 3 OI, US Absent 2
61 196 T587G L196W 2 2 UK Absent 2
62 202 A605G E202G 1 2 US Absent 1
63 206 C617A A206D 1 2 OI Absent 1
64 206 C617-1 FS/truncation 1 3 UK Absent 1
65 220 G658T D220Y 3 1 UK Absent 2
66 222 G665A C222Y 4 2 OI, AP Absent 4
67 224 T670C Y224H 4 1 OI Absent 2
68 226 G677A R226Q 1 2 US Absent 1
69 227 G680A C227Y 1 2 OI Absent 1
70 232 T696 + 1 Nonsense 2 1 OI, UK Absent 1
71 232 T696-1 FS/truncation 6 1 US, GDR Absent 2
72 237 G710T G237V 1 2 OI Absent 1
73 238 T713C L238P 2 2 OP Absent 2
74 245 G733A A245T 2 1 OI, GDR Absent 2
75 245 G733C A245P 2 1 US Absent 2
76 247 C739A Nonsense 4 1 OI Absent 2
77 249 G746A C249Y 2 2 US Absent 2
78 252 A754T I252F 1 1 OI Absent 1
79 252 C756-14 FS/truncation 2 1 US Absent 2
80 256 T767C F256S 1 2 US Absent 1
81 260 A779C N260T 1 2 UK Wild-type 1
82 267 G801A M267I 2 3 OI, US Absent 2
83 268 T803G F268C 1 2 OI Absent 1
84 271 T811C Y271H 1 1 AP Reduced 1

Abbreviations: AA, amino acid; AP, Alberta pharyngitis strains; GDR, German Democratic Republic invasive strains; OI, Ontario invasive strains; OP, Ontario pharyngitis strains; SpeB, secreted streptococcal cysteine protease B; UK, United Kingdom invasive strains; US, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention invasive strains.


Randomly selected invasive strains and all pharyngitis strains with a regulator of protease B gene (ropB) polymorphism were tested for SpeB.


All strains tested secreted high levels of SpeB.


Of 56 strains tested, 48 secreted SpeB (10 at near wild-type levels, 38 at reduced levels; 8 lacked detectable SpeB).


The second single-nucleotide polymorphism occurring in the V7I genetic background of both these alleles also occurs alone.


Of 28 strains tested, 4 secreted SpeB (1 at near wild-type levels, 3 at reduced levels; 24 lacked detectable SpeB).


Of 7 strains tested, 1 secreted SpeB (at reduced levels; 6 lacked detectable SpeB).