Etv1 and Fev Ets domain topology and sequence alignment. A, sequence alignment of class I Ets domains. Sequences were Etv1 (AAD29877), Etv4 (AAH16623), Etv5 (CAG33048), GABPα (NP_001184226), ETS1 (CAG47050), FLI1 (AAH10115), and Fev (NP_059991). Secondary structural assignment is for Etv1 (PDB code 4AVP), containing additional flanking residues where appropriate. Green, helix (α or 310); yellow, β-strand; *, serine phosphorylated by protein kinase A; ψ, conserved cysteine involved in disulfide bond formation in Etv1, -4, and -5. B, overall cartoon representation of Etv1 Ets domain. Green, helix (α or 310); yellow, β-strand. C, superimposition of Etv1 (PDB code 4AVP, blue) and Fev (PDB code 2YPR, yellow). D, ribbon superimposition showing the variance in the positions of α4. Structures used were Etv1 (PDB code 4AVP), Fev (PDB code 2YPR), ELF3 (PDB code 3JTG), ETS1 (PDB code 3MFK), Etv6 (PDB code 2LF7), GABPα (PDB code 1AWC), and ELK4 (PDB code 1BC8).