Formation of red IscS in vitro.
A, purified wild-type IscS (100 μm) was incubated with l-alanine (100 mm) and Na2S (100 mm) in the presence of Tris (120 mm (pH 8.0)) at room temperature. The UV-visible absorption spectra were taken at 0, 1 min, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h, and 4 h. Inset, a photograph of IscS proteins before (1) and after (2) incubation with l-alanine and Na2S at room temperature for 3 h. B, l-alanine is essential for formation of red IscS in vitro. Purified wild-type IscS (100 μm) was incubated with buffer (spectrum 1), l-alanine (100 mm, spectrum 2), d-alanine (100 mm, spectrum 3), or glycine (100 mm, spectrum 4) in the presence of Na2S (100 mm) and Tris (120 mm (pH 8.0)) at room temperature. Spectra were taken after incubation at room temperature for 3 h.