Table 2.
Antenatal outcomes of the impact evaluation by domain
Indicator | Type of indicator |
1. ANC utilisation | |
Received at least three ANC visits (%) | Use of healthcare |
Received ANC visit in first trimester (%) | Use of healthcare |
Number of ANC consultations (visits) | Use of healthcare |
Received visit from ASHA during pregnancy (%) | Use of healthcare |
2. ANC content of care | |
Fully immunised with tetanus toxoid (%) | Process of care |
Received iron supplementation during pregnancy (%) | Process of care |
Took iron supplementation during pregnancy for at least 100 days (%) | Process of care |
Received test results for syphilis received (%) | Process of care |
Abdominal examination during ANC (%) | Process of care |
Received a drug for intestinal worms during pregnancy (%) | Process of care |
Received a drug to prevent malaria (%) | Process of care |
Multiple birth pregnancy detected during ANC (%) | Process of care |
ANC content of care score of six items (index 0 to 1) | Process of care |
3. ANC knowledge and preparedness | |
Mother knowledge of pregnancy complications (index 0 to 1) | Patient knowledge |
Mother knowledge of signs of delivery complications (index 0 to 1) | Patient knowledge |
Birth preparedness (financial, transport, blood donor, attendant, safe delivery kit) (index 0 to 1) | Healthy behaviour |