Table 1.
Study ID (Reporting quality) | Location and study design | Age (years) | Total participants | Lung cancer cases | Exposure† (μg/m3) | Exposure assessment | Outcome | Outcome assessment | Covariates adjusted for |
Yorifuji et al. 201314 (A) | Shizuoka, Japan, Cohort | 65–84 | 14001 | 116 | NO2: 35.11 | LUR modeling | Lung cancer and hemorrhagic stroke | Obtained from the database of the Ministry of Health,Labor and Welfare of Japan | Age, sex, smoking, BMI, hypertension, diabetes, financial capability and area mean taxable income |
Raaschou-Nielsen et al. 201315 (A)†† | European, 17 cohorts | 42.8–73.1 (mean age) | 2380–108018 | 18–678 | PM10: 13.5–48.1, PMcoarse:4.0– 20.8PM2.5: 6.6–31.0, PM2·5absorbance: 0.5-3.2 NO2: 5.2–59.8 NOX: 8.7–107.3 |
LUR model | Lung cancer | Histology | Age, sex, calendar time, smoking related variables, occupation, fruit intake, marital status, educational level, employment status and area-level socioeconomic status |
Jerrett et al. 201316 (B) | California, U.S. Cohort | ≥30 | 73711 | 1481 | PM2.5: 14.09 NO2: 12.27‡ O3: 50.35‡ |
Monthly average monitoring data and LUR models | All cause of death including lung cancer | Ascertained by volunteers and using the National Death Index | Lifestyle, dietary, demographic, occupational and educational factors |
Hystad et al. 201317 (A) | 8 provinces, Canada, Case-control | 63.5 and 59.0(mean age for cases and controls) | 5897 | 2390 | PM2.5: 11.9 NO2: 15.4‡ O3: 20.3 |
Fixed site monitoring data and proximity measures | Lung cancer | Histology | Age, sex, educational attainment, smoking related variables, alcohol and meat consumption, occupational exposure and geographic covariates. |
Cesaroni et al. 201318 (B) | Roma, Italy, Cohort | ≥30 | 1265058 | 12208 | NO2: 44 PM2.5: 23 |
LUR modeling and PM2.5 dispersion model | All cause of death including lung cancer | Obtained from Lazio regional health information system | Sex, marital status, place of birth, education, occupation, and area-based socioeconomic position |
Cao et al. 201019 (B) | 17 provinces, China, Cohort | 55.8 (mean age) | 70947 | 624 | TSP: 289 SO2: 73 NOX: 50 |
Fixed-site monitoring data | All cause of death including lung cancer | Hospital records and death certificates | Age, sex, BMI, physical activity, education, smoking status, age at starting to smoke, cigarettes per day, alcohol intake, and hypertension |
Beelen et al. 200820 (A) | Netherlands, Case-Cohort | 55–69 | 120852 | 2183 | BS: 11.6, NO2: 36.9 SO2: 13.7 PM2.5: 28.2 |
Regulatory monitoring data and LUR models | Lung cancer | Histopathology and cytopathology | Full cohort: age, sex, smoking status and area level indicators of socioeconomics |
Vineis et al. 200621 (A) | 9 countries, Europe, Nested case-control | 60.4 and 60.0 (mean ages for cases and controls) | 1008 | 271 | NO2: 12.0–64.7§ PM10: 19.9–73.4§ SO2: 1.1–30.6§ |
Home addresses and data from monitoring stations | Lung cancer | Histological conformation | Age, sex, country, smoking status, time since recruitment, education, BMI, physical activity, cotinine, occupational index and intake of fruit, vegetables, meat, and alcohol ) |
Laden et al. 200622 (B) | 6 cities, U.S. Cohort | 25–74 | 8096 | 226 | PM2.5: nearly 10–40§ | Fixed air-monitoring station | All cause of death including lung cancer | Data obtained from National Death Index | Current or former smoking, number of pack-years of smoking for former and current smokers separately, education, and body mass index |
Jerrett et al. 200523 (A)†† | Los Angeles, U.S. Cohort | NA | 22905 | 434 | PM2.5: 9.0–27.1§ | Data from state and local district monitoring stations | All cause of death including lung cancer | NA | Age, sex, age, O3(average of 4 highest 8 h maxima) and 44 other covariates including lifestyle, dietary, demographic, occupational and educational factors |
Filleul et al. 200524 (A) | 7 towns, France, Cohort | 25–29 | 14284 | 178 | SO2: 17–85 TSP: NA BS: 18–152 NO2: 12–61 NO: NA |
Data from centrally located pollution monitoring station | All cause of death including lung cancer | Data from specialized department of the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) | Age, smoking habits, body mass index, educational level, occupational exposure, and stratified by sex |
Nafstad et al. 200325 (A) | Oslo, Norway, Cohort | 40–49 | 16209 | 422 | NOX: 10.7¶ SO2: 9.4¶ |
Model calculations using data for observed concentrations and emission from point sources | Lung cancer | Obtained from Norwegian cancer register | Age, smoking habits, physical activity, occupation, height and weight |
Pope et al. 200226 (A) | 50 states. U.S. Cohort | ≥30 | Approximately 500000 | NA | PM2.5: 17.7 | Inhalable particle monitoring network and National Aerometric Database | All cause of death including lung cancer | Death certificates | Age, sex, race, smoking, education, marital status, body mass, alcohol consumption, occupational exposure and the diet |
Nyberg et al. 200027 (A) | Stockholm, Sweden, Case-control | 40–75 | 3406 | 1042 | NO2: 19.85¶ SO2: 52.75¶ |
Source-specific emission data and dispersion modeling | Lung cancer | Histology and cytology | Age, selection year, smoking, radon, socioeconomic grouping, occupational exposure to diesel exhaust, other combustion products and asbestos, and employment in risk occupation. |
†Mean concentration of exposure. ‡Exposure concentration is measured by ppb. §Range of exposure concentration. ¶Median concentration of exposure. ††Studies evaluated with modified STROBE items. BS, black smoke; LUR, land-use regression; TSP, total suspended particles.