Figure 1. Aneuploidy is common in non-laboratory strains.
(A) Relative DNA copy (log2 (RPKM)) per gene (rows) across each of the 16 chromosomes for 47 sequenced strains (columns). Strains with 1.5× (gray text) or 2× (blue text) chromosomal copy per haploid genome are annotated by name. (B) Growth rates of aneuploid strains normalized to the niche-specific growth rate (see ‘Materials and methods’) plotted against the additional DNA content in each strain. (C) Haploid strains with a duplication of Chr 8 (labeled as ‘disome’) were selected from euploid parents (labeled as ‘monosome’) including the S288c-derived DBY7286, derived vineyard strain KCY40, and a haploid derivative of oak strain YPS163, see ‘Materials and methods’. Doubling times in YPD medium represent the average of four biological replicates; the average difference (‘dif’) in growth rate is indicated. An asterisk represents statistically significant differences in doubling time (p < 6e-4, T-test).