Figure 5.
Boundary-induced waveform asymmetry, increasing with sperm number. (a) Symmetric waveforms of sperm flagella swimming in infinite fluid, and asymmetric forms over the boundary strip for Sp=13 and Sp=17. (b) Flagellar asymmetry (defined in text) as a function of arclength, for a cell swimming over a strip along the flagellum. Colour in (b) is matched to sperm number, light green denoting Sp=13 and red denoting Sp=17, intermediate colours moving in increments of 0.5. (c) Asymmetry at s=1 at the endpoint of the flagellum, as a function of sperm number Sp, showing an increase in asymmetry with sperm number for the strip (red), and negligible asymmetry for the infinite fluid case (blue).