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. 2015 Apr 23;12:41. doi: 10.1186/s12984-015-0032-6

Table 5.

Correlation coefficients among the robotic indices for patients with FRDA

Duration of movement Mean velocity Peak velocity Length ratio Lateral deviation Aiming angle Normalized jerk Speed metric Number of submovements Duration of submovements Amplitude of submovements
Duration of movement 1 −0.793** −0.741** 0.771** 0.323 0.200 0.960** −0.604* 0.947** 0.099 −0.758**
Mean velocity −0.793** 1 0.965** −0.327 0.033 0.029 −0.837** 0.182 −0.802** −0.182 0.978**
Peak velocity −0.741** 0.965** 1 −0.297 0.112 0.187 −0.789** 0.108 −0.754** −0.138 0.969**
Length ratio 0.771** −0.327 −0.297 1 0.644* 0.376 0.714* −0.802** 0.754** −0.231 −0.310
Lateral deviation 0.323 0.033 0.112 0.644* 1 0.697* 0.367 −0.618* 0.358 −0.385 0.099
Aiming angle 0.200 0.029 0.187 0.376 0.697* 1 0.226 −0.248 0.270 0.007 0.086
Normalized jerk 0.960** −0.837** −0.789** 0.714* 0.367 0.226 1 −0.547 0.974** −0.059 −0.820**
Speed metric −0.604* 0.182 0.108 −0.802** −0.618* −0.248 −0.547 1 −0.556 0.305 0.125
Number of submovements 0.947** −0.802** −0.754** 0.754** 0.358 0.270 0.974** −0.556 1 −0.077 −0.807**
Duration of submovements 0.099 −0.182 −0.138 −0.231 −0.385 0.007 −0.059 0.305 −0.077 1 −0.103
Amplitude of submovements −0.758** 0.978** 0.969** −0.310 0.099 0.086 −0.820** 0.125 −0.807** −0.103 1

Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient are reported. The symbol * indicates a statistical significance, with p < 0.05; the symbol ** indicates a statistical significance, with p < 0.01 (p values are corrected for multiple comparison, by using a False Discovery Rate procedure).