Fig. 3.
srbc-64 and srbc-66 are expressed in, and act via the GPA-3 Gα protein in the ASK chemosensory neurons. (A) Full-length GFP-tagged SRBC-64 and -66 proteins are localized to the cilia of the ASK neurons. Lateral view; scale - 10 μm. Images were acquired using confocal microscopy. (B-C) Percent dauers formed by animals of the indicated genotypes in response to C6 (C) and C3 (D). sra-9 regulatory sequences drive expression specifically in the ASK neurons (16). Shown are the averages from at least 4 independent experiments with 50-100 animals each. For each experiment, all strains were assayed in parallel. Error bars are the s.e.m. (D-E) Percent dauers formed when animals of the indicated genotypes were grown in the presence of C6. Shown are the averages from at least 4 independent experiments with 50-100 animals each. # and ## indicate values that are different at P<0.01 and <0.001 respectively, between the values indicated by brackets. * and ** indicate values that are different at P<0.01 and 0.001 from corresponding values of wild-type animals.