Left side—A-genome chromosomes, right side—B-genome chromosomes; 1–7—homoeologous groups. Chromosomal groups: Balkan, European, Asian, Ethiopian (PI 94664, Saudi Arabia); chromosomal types: Bal (PI 434996, Montenegro), Vol (k-30728, Nizhny Novgorod); WEM-1 type prevailing in European-Mediterranean emmer lines with 7A:5B translocation (k-1730, Germany); WEM-2 (PI 352332, Belgium); WEM-Sp (PI 275998, Spain); Trc (k-14937, Georgia); Irn (TA10540, Iran), Mor (k-22246, Morocco). Small red arrows indicate positions of small group-specific bands; large red arrows show the positions of C-bands with an enlarged size or group-specific supernumerary C-bands; blue arrows indicate group-specific bands with a decreased size (small arrow) or the positions of bands that are missing in the group-specific chromosome variant (large arrow). Large black arrows show the breakpoint position in region-specific translocation variants: T7AS.7AL-5BS and T5BL.5BS-7AL—rearranged chromosomes formed as a result of the T7A:5B translocation; T4AS:1BL and T1BS:4AL—rearranged chromosomes formed as a result of the T4A:1B translocation; T1AS.1AL-6AS and T6AL.6AS-1AL—rearranged chromosomes formed as a result of the T1A:6A translocation; T4BS:6BL and T6BS:4BL—rearranged chromosomes formed as a result of the T4B:6B-1 translocation (see S3 and S4 Tables).