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. 2015 Jun 3;97(11):944–949. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.N.01119


Moderator’s Guide*

Change at Hospital HGPS due to Operation Walk Boston
 1. What knowledge or skills have you tried to share with the staff at Hospital HGPS?
 2. How have you tried to impart this knowledge or these skills?
 3. How successful do you feel you have been at transferring the knowledge? Have the changes been long-lived?
 4. Can you give one example of a change you have observed in the way care is delivered at Hospital HGPS that has resulted, at least in part, from the knowledge or skills you have shared? Any others?
 5. On a scale of −10 to 10 (with −10 indicating an extremely negative impact; 0, no impact; and 10, an extremely positive impact), how much impact overall would you say Operation Walk Boston has had on the way care is delivered at Hospital HGPS since the collaboration began?
Influence of Hospital HGPS on care in the U.S.
 6. How do you think our work together has influenced the way care is delivered on the Operation Walk Boston trips? Are there examples of changes we have made over the years as a result of things we've learned by collaborating with our colleagues in the Dominican Republic?
 7. Are there any lessons that you have taken away from the experience that have influenced the way you or others deliver care at Brigham and Women’s Hospital?

Spanish interviews were conducted with a translated version of this guide with reformatted questions addressing the efforts of Operation Walk Boston.