Fig. 3.
Urine EVs are eluted in low protein containing SEC fractions.
In panel a, a representative analyses of a SEC processed sample is shown. In each fraction (indicated on the x-axis), the expression of CD9 and CD63 and the total protein content were determined. The left axis shows the total protein content (mg/mL), whereas the right axis shows the median fluorescence intensity (MFI) data for CD9 and CD63. The isotype control for flow cytometry assay is depicted by a dotted line.
In panel b, fractions showing the highest MFI value for each CD marker (CD9 square symbols and CD63 triangle symbols) were grouped (n=10). Fractions in which protein content was first detected are also shown (circles, n=8). Higher CD9 and CD63 MFI values were routinely detected between fractions 7 and 10, well before any protein elution was detectable.