1. Welcome |
2. What are cardiovascular diseases (stroke, ischemic heart diseases) and diabetes? Goal: to increase information and awareness. Method: short video films followed by a brief discussion. (Animation and spoken word). |
3. What are the main risk factors? Goal: to increase information and awareness. The group is divided in 3 subgroups. Each group writes down the risk factor of 1 of the 3 diseases they know on a paper. The physician or nurse discusses the results. A quiz about the main risk factors; smoking, lack of exercise, and diet (salt, fat, high energy). Correct answers and some extra information are provided by video. |
4. 6-min walking test. Material: numbers, a flat track of 50 m marked by a line at the start and turning point. Marks on every 10 m on the track. Chronometer, whistle. Instruction: walk, not run, the maximum distance in 6 min. Give a time indication every minute: still 5 min left … , 4 min left … , 3 min left …. , 2 min left … , 1 min left … STOP. Participants stop and remain at their place. Moderator counts each passages at the starting point, each time 100 m, and add the distance of the last round. Goal: to provide a quick, approximate measurement of physical fitness [20–21]. |
5. What are my personal risk factors? Method: place 4 large pieces of paper at each corner of the room: (i) lack of physical exercise, (ii) smoking, (iii) high dietary salt, and (iv) overweight. Participants put their name on each piece of paper, as appropriate. |
6. Personal plan for change. What is the risk factor I will work on? What action will I take (when, how, where)? Do I need support to reach my goal from the CHSC or community? Write the details on paper, 1 to keep yourself and 1 for the administration of the CHSC. |
7. Each participant tells the group in one 1 min about her/his plan. Moderator asks additional questions to make plan more concrete. |
8. End. Fill in database. (Date, 6-min walking test and lifestyle intervention of choice.) |