FIG. 10.
Paraffin sections of NC pellets cultured for (A) 14, and (B) 21 days in CM or CM supplemented with γ-PGA (CM+γ-PGA) stained for (a) Sox-9, (b) aggrecan, (c) Col XI, (d) Col X, (e) calcium salt deposits, and (f) Col I. In all the conditions tested the detection of Col I by IHC and calcium salt deposits by von Kossa/nuclear fast red histological staining could not be detected. One representative donor is presented here. For Col XI, bars represent 50 um. For Sox-9, aggrecan, Col X, and Col I, and for the calcium salt deposits, bars of the detailed images of peripheral regions of the pellets represent 50 μm, while bars of the inserted whole pellet pictures represent 500 μm. Color images available online at