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. 2015 Apr 12;10:44. doi: 10.1186/s13023-015-0256-3

Table 1.

Male individuals with CASK mutations

Patient CASK mutation Birth OFC/W/L (SD) Age OFC a (SD) Height a (SD) Weight a (SD) DD/ID Tonus Seizures EEG Other neurologic anomalies Eye findings Sensorineural hearing loss Other anomalies Face MRI Overall phenotype
Pat 1 c.704_708del p.K236Efs*10 ex 7 dn w 37 +3 -4.2/-3.2/? † at 7 m −5.9 (4.5 m) −4.8 (6 m) −1 (6 m) profound, no development severe hypotonia intractable seizures apnoeas, inability to swallow optic atrophy + ASD, bil. clubfeet dolichocephaly, puffy eyelids, broad nasal bridge, bulbous tip of nose, severe retromicrognathia, ear dysplasia, fleshy ear lobes severe hypo CBL + pons + medulla, simplified gyri, cortical atrophy MICPCH Severe epilepsy
Pat 2 Dup ex 10–16 dn w 37 +3 -2.5/-1.9/-1.5 10 m † at 21 m progressive microcephaly −2.4 −2.8 profound severe hypotonia probably Ohtahara s., burst suppression macropapilla, optic atrophy? +? long convex fingernails, overriding 2nd toes, linear blisters right leg, needed PEG retrognathia, fleshy uplifted ear lobules significant hypo CBL + pons MICPCH Severe epilepsy
Pat 3 c.1A > G ex 1 dn −1.3/-0.3/? 5 y −5 (3 y) −3 −2 profound, no development severe hypotonia intractable seizures opticus hypoplasia AVSD, tapering fingers, edema of the dorsum of hands and feet, needed PEG long eyelashes, short nose, large ears with fleshy uplifted ear lobules small brain, hypo CBL + pons MICPCH Severe epilepsy
−3.7 (5 y)
Pat 4 c.79C > T p.R27* ex 2 dn w 33 +2 -2.57/-1.14/-1.73 15 m −9.0 −3.0 −1.67 profound severe hypotonia intractable seizures, burst suppression apnoea-bradycardy-syndrome, inability to swallow optic atrophy? VSD, short limbs, contractures of fingers plagiocephaly, metopic ridge severe hypo CBL + pons, progressive cortical atrophy, progressive hypomyelination MICPCH Severe epilepsy
Pat 5 Dup ex 4–20 mos w 36 +1 -1.8/0/0.3 7 m −7.8 (9 m) −2.1 (9 m) −0.6 (9 m) severe hypertonia spasms and myoclonic seizures, no hypsarrhythmia hyperopia ? micropenis, cryptorchidism sparse hair, broad nasal bridge, epicanthal folds, long philtrum, retromicrognathia, fleshy uplifted ear lobules small brain, hypo CBL + pons MICPCH epilepsy
Pat 6 Del ex 1 mos −2.9/-1.1/-1.7 16 m −6 (11 m) −2 (11 m) −1.6 (11 m) severe hypertonia of limbs hyperopia, strabism cryptorchidism broad nasal bridge, epicanthal folds, long philtrum, prominent premaxilla, mild retrognathia, simple/thin auricle hypo CBL + pons MICPCH
Pat 7 Del ex 3–9 mos w 37–0.93/-0.5/-0.87 29 m −3.56 (29 m) -2.55 (5;3 y) −3.5 (29 m) -2.42 (5;3 y) −1.97 (29 m) -1.45 (5;3 y) severe tonus regulation disorder mild ataxia prominent nasal bridge, thin upper lip, pointing chin mild hypo CBL + pons mildly simplified gyri MICPCH
Pat 8 Dup ex 1–5 mat −2 /0/-1.4 20 m −5 −2 −2 Mild to moderate DD FTT long flat philtrum mildly smaller frontal lobes, small CC (frontal), CBL and otherwise normal MIC + DD
Pat 16b c.1061T > C p.L354Pc ex 12 5 y profound, no development West s., intractable seizures large eyes, large ears, broad nasal bridge, broad nasal tip, epicanthal foldsd MICPCH MICPCH Severe epilepsy
Pat 1e Del ex 2 matf −1.2/-2/-1.4 4 y −2.7 (1.4 y) profound Ohtahara s. Long slender fingers, micropenis, needed tracheostomy + PEG micrognathia, short neck severe hypo CBL, hypo ponsd MICPCH Severe epilepsy
Pat 2e c.1A > G ex 1 dn −2.7/-3.3/-2.8 4 y severe hypertonia of limbs Ohtahara s. PHPV short upper arms, overlapping fingers, clinodactyly micrognathia, high arched palate severe CBL hypo, hypo ponsd MICPCH Severe epilepsy
Case reportg c.227_228del p.E76Vfs*6 ex 3 dn 0/0.1/1.4 8 m −5.4 severe hypotonia early myoclonic encephalopathy (EME) dystonia, chorea optic atrophy CP, tetralogy of Fallot, AMC, hydronephrosis, VUR, needed tracheostomy micrognathia severe hypo CBL + pons MICPCH Severe epilepsy
Pat 13h c.278 + 1G > A in 3 dn −2/0/-0.5 16 m −6 −2 profound profound hypotonia intractable seizures, spasms + tonic seizures, suppression-burst spastic tetraparesis, dystonia optic atrophy long slender fingers with contractures, needed PEG retrognathia, high arched palate, low-set ears with prominent lobules, down-slanted palpebral fissures, broad nasal bridge very severe hypo CBL, hypo pons MICPCH Severe epilepsy
Pat 12h c.316C > T p.R106* ex 4 mos −3/-1.5/-2 15 y −3.5 −3.5 severe dystonia, dyskinesia well-arched eyebrows, broad nasal bridge, hypertelorism?, anteverted nares, full lipsd mild hypo CBL MICPCH
Pat 5i c.915G > A p.(=) ex 9 dn † at 2 w microcephaly ? severe hypo CBL + pons, thin and unmyelinated CC MICPCH
Pat II 4j Fam V c.2183A > G p.Y728C ex 23 (2 ♂) 14 y −4.4k −2.9 thin severe N, strabism, optic atrophy synophris, high nasal bridge, upslanted palpebral fissures, short columellad hypo CBL, pachygyria MICPCH + N
Pat II 2j 19 y −2.4k −1.7 thin moderate N, astigmatism similar to II 4 ND MIC + Moderate ID + N
Pat IV 1j,l Fam 74 c.2129A > G p.D710G ex 22 (4 ♂) 42 y normal normal mild hand tremor N, strabism no dysmorphism ND Mild ID + N
Pat III 3j,l 98th cen normal obese mild tremor, unsteady gait N, strabism ND Mild ID + N
Pat III 12j,l 98th cen normal obese mild N normal Mild ID + N
Pat III 6j,l 59 y normal normal mild no dysmorphism ND Mild ID
Pat IV 1j,l Fam 16 c.802T > C p.Y268H ex 8 (4 ♂, 1 without clinical description) normal normal severe/profound + toe walker no N autistic no dysmorphism ND Severe ID
Pat III 4j,l severe + no N ND Severe ID
Pat II 3j,l severe toe walker no N obsessive behaviour ND Severe ID
three Patj,l Fam 123 c.2756T > C p.W919R ex 27 (3 ♂) normal tall mild +, in one of three patients at age 17 y N no dysmorphism ND All 3: Mild ID + N
Pat III 1j,l Fam 245 (K8919) c.1186C > T p.P396S ex 13 (4 ♂, 2 without clinical description) 58 y 0 short stature, 152 cm profound tremor, unsteady gait flat mid face, open mouth, eversion of lower lip ND Severe IDS
Pat III 4j,l 52 y 0 short stature, 147 cm severe strabism flat nasal bridge, anteverted nares, wide mouth, broad palate, broad grooved tongue, short broad neck ND Severe IDS
Pat III 3j Fam 683 c.2521-2 A > T in 25 (4 ♂) 46 y +1.6 −2.2 mild +, absences N, high myopia no dysmorphism ND Mild ID + N
Pat II 3j mild + N, strabism, myopia, astigmatism ND Mild ID + N
Pat II 4j mild N, high myopia, optic atrophy, retinal pigment anomalies ND Mild ID + N
Pat II 5j mild + N ND Mild ID + N
Pat III 26m c.83G > T p.R28L ex 2 (3 ♂) 2 y relative macrocephaly 50-75th cen 25-50th cen marked hypotonia EEG mildly abnormal + hyperactivity, aggressive behaviour, constipation prominent forehead, frontal upsweep, hypertelorism, depressed nasal bridge, long philtrum, micrognathiad normal (on CT) IDS
Pat II 11m 34 y relative macrocephaly profound hypotonia in infancy + aggressive behaviour, constipation prominent forehead, hypertelorism, broad long philtrumd ND IDS
Pat II 17m 16 y short stature +, unspecified hypotonia in infancy + hyperactivity, constipation, cryptorchidism prominent forehead, frontal upsweep, long philtrum, epicanthal foldsd ND IDS

Legends: The eight first listed patients (Pat 1-8 in bold) are described in detail in the manuscript, patients listed below have been reported previously. +, present; −, absent; †, died; AMC, arthrogryposis multiplex congenita; ASD, atrial septal defect; AVSD, atrioventricular septal defect; bil., bilateral; CBL, cerebellum; CC, corpus callosum; cen, centile; CP, cleft palate; CT, computed tomography; DD, developmental delay; Del, deletion; dn, de novo; Dup, duplication; EEG, electroencephalogram; ex: exon; F, female; Fam, family; FTT, failure to thrive; hypo, hypoplasia; ID, intellectual disability; IDS, syndromic intellectual disability; in, intron; L, length; m, months; mat, maternally inherited; MIC, microcephaly; MICPCH, microcephaly with pontine and cerebellar hypoplasia; mos, somatic mosaicism; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; N: nystagmus; ND, not documented; OD, right eye; OS, left eye; Pat, patient; PEG, percutane g-tube; PHPV, persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous; s., syndrome; SD, standard deviation; VSD, ventricular septal defect; VUR, vesicoureteral reflux; W, weight; w, week of gestation; y, year(s).

aat last follow up (if not specified otherwise).

bTakanashi et al., 2012 [5].

cin original publication wrongly reported as p.L348P.

dbased on figures/photographs shown in publication.

eSaitsu et al., 2012 [9].

fthe mother is a somatic mosaic for the CASK mutation.

gJinnou et al., 2012 [18] and Nakamura et al., 2014 [8].

hBurglen et al., 2012 [2].

iNajm et al., 2008 [1].

jHackett et al., 2010 [10].

kin Table 1 of the original publication wrongly listed as normocephaly (absolute values were given in the text).

lTarpey et al., 2009 [12].

mPiluso et al., 2003 [19] and 2009 [11].