Comparison between irRC using bidimensional measurements and the irRC using
unidimensional measurements. (Reprinted with permission from Ref. 18: Clin Cancer Res. 2013;19:3936-43.)
A. The percent changes according to bidimensional and unidimensional
measurements at each follow-up scan from the 1st to 17th follow-up scans. The orange
dashed lines represent the cut-off values for response and progression
(−50% and +25% for bidimensional measurements,
−30% and +20% for unidimensional measurements). The observations
within the top left, middle center, and top right boxes have concordant assessment between
tow measurements, whereas observations in other boxes have discordant assessment. The
purple dashed line represents +44% change for bidimensional measurements, which
corresponds to +20% change for unidimensional measurements, which was given to
visually demonstrate that more observations are concordant if this cut-off value is used.
The percent changes presented in the figure are in comparison with baseline measurements
when tumors are decreasing to assess response and in comparison with the nadir (the
smallest measurement since baseline) when tumors are increasing to assess progression.
These values are displayed as they are used to define response/progression in patients at
the time of response assessment.
B. TTP according to bidimensional versus unidimensional assessment.
Estimates of the 25th percentile (time point at which 75% are free of
progression) were 5.3 months (95% CI, 3.5–∞) by bidimensional
assessment versus 9.1 months (95% CI, 3.7–∞) by unidimensional
assessment. On the basis of the almost identical confidence intervals for the 25
percentile, there is no evidence of a difference in TTP between the 2 methods of