Figure 2.
Effect of the oral administration of metronidazole (MTZ) (500 mg/kg BW/day) and co-administration of MTZ (500 mg/kg BW/day) and Tribulus terrestris (TT) (100 mg/kg BW/day and 200 mg/kg BW/day) on the (a) activity of superoxide dismutase (b) activity of catalase (c) activity of glutathione peroxidase (d) activity of glutathione reductase and, (e) the level of lipid peroxidation in the testis (values are mean ± standard error of the mean of five animals). aSignificantly different from the controls at P < 0.05 by ANOVA followed by Newman–Keul's multiple range test, bsignificantly different from MTZ (500mg/kg BW/day) at P < 0.05 by ANOVA followed by Newman–Keul's multiple range test, csignificantly different from MTZ (500mg/kg BW/day) co-administered with TT (100 mg/kg BW/day) at P < 0.05 by ANOVA followed by Newman–Keul's multiple range test