Fig 3. Inflammation in the livers of wild-type and NS3/4A-Tg mice after CCl4 administration.
(A) Representative pictures and (B) quantitative histological analysis of F4/80-stained liver sections of 4-weeks and 8-weeks olive-oil treated and CCl4-treated wild-type and NS3/4A-Tg mice. Scale bars, 200μm. Quantitative PCR analysis of (C) inflammatory parameters (F4/80, CD68, CCl2 and TNFα), (D) M1 macrophage-specific (Ly6C2) and M2 macrophage-specific (YM1), and MMP-9 and -13 in the livers of wild-type and NS3/4A-Tg. For quantitative histological and PCR analysis, groups were normalized to olive-oil treated wild-type mice. Bars represent mean ± SEM of n = 5 per group. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; #p<0.05; n.s denotes non-significant.