Figure 3.
(A) Discontinuation in ESA Use at Hematocrit >36 percent Relative to Hematocrit ≤36 percent: Temporal Changes between Successive Quarters. (B) Discontinuation at Hematocrit >30 percent Relative to Patients with Hematocrit ≤30 percent. (C) Discontinuation at Hematocrit >33 percent Relative to Patients with Hematocrit ≤33 percentNotes. (A) Each point estimate shown in the figure represents the temporal change in ESA use at hematocrit >36 percent relative to the same change in patients with hematocrit ≤36 percent. For example, the first estimate presented is the (rate of ESA use in 2009Q2 for Patients with hematocrit >36 percent minus the rate in 2009Q1 for patients with hematocrit >36 percent) minus (Rate in 2009Q2 for Patients with hematocrit ≤36 percent minus the rate in 2009Q1 for patients with hematocrit ≤36 percent). Estimates shown in figure are regression-adjusted for age, sex, race, insurance status, initial hemoglobin, comorbid conditions, time since beginning dialysis (vintage), BMI, and albumin. Standard errors are clustered by patient hematocrit level and provider. The vertical bars denote the 95 percent confidence intervals around the point estimate.(B) Each point estimate shown in the figure represents the temporal change in ESA use at hematocrit >30 percent relative to the same change in patients with hematocrit ≤30 percent. For example, the first estimate presented is the (rate of ESA use in 2009Q2 for Patients with hematocrit >30 percent minus the rate in 2009Q1 for patients with hematocrit >30 percent) minus (Rate in 2009Q2 for Patients with hematocrit ≤30 percent minus the rate in 2009Q1 for patients with hematocrit ≤30 percent). Estimates shown in figure are regression-adjusted for age, sex, race, insurance status, initial hemoglobin, comorbid conditions, time since beginning dialysis (vintage), BMI, and albumin. Standard errors are clustered by patient hematocrit level and provider. The vertical bars denote the 95 percent confidence intervals around the point estimate.(C) Each point estimate shown in the figure represents the temporal change in ESA use at hematocrit >33 percent relative to the same change in patients with hematocrit ≤33 percent. For example, the first estimate presented is the (rate of ESA use in 2009Q2 for Patients with hematocrit >33 percent minus the rate in 2009Q1 for patients with hematocrit >33 percent) minus (rate in 2009Q2 for Patients with hematocrit ≤33 percent minus the rate in 2009Q1 for patients with hematocrit ≤33). Estimates shown in figure are regression-adjusted for age, sex, race, insurance status, initial hemoglobin, comorbid conditions, time since beginning dialysis (vintage), BMI, and albumin. Standard errors are clustered by patient hematocrit level and provider. The vertical bars denote the 95 percent confidence intervals around the point estimate.