Figure 2.
Growth phenotypes of strains carrying the one-plasmid system. Photosynthetic (Ps) and respiration (Res) growth on enriched medium of R. capsulatus strains MT-RBC1 (RecA+) and BK-RBC1 (RecA−) harboring plasmid (A) pMTS1 carrying a wild-type petABC operon, (B) pBK6 carrying petAB1-B2C, and (C) pBK32 carrying the mutated petAB1F144R-B2H217LC fusion operons. In each case, the appropriate operon constructs are shown below the colony pictures, and mutations cyt b F144R and cyt b H217L are indicated with stars. Primers petA3 and petB4 (see the text) were used for PCR amplification.