Figure 4. Characterization BIM, GARP, and LNK expression.
A. BIM, GARP, and LNK expression in human immune cells and hair follicles. RT-PCR was performed on BIM, GARP, and LNK to determine gene expression in T cells, natural killer cells (NK), B cells, monocytes (MC), peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), and scalp hair follicles (SHF). 2M PCR was used as a loading control for each cDNA. Two splice variants are observed for β BIM expression: BIM-S (192 bp) and BIM-L (372 bp). Expected amplicon sizes: BIM (372 bp and 192 bp), GARP (226 bp), LNK (409 bp). B. Immunofluorescence staining in human hair follicles reveals that BIM is highly expressed in matrix cells of the catagen hair bulb. C. In healthy hair follicles from the C67BL6 mouse strain, BIM is strongly expressed in the apoptosing strand of mouse catagen hair follicles and is absent from anagen and telogen hair follicles. Immunofluorescence staining on affected and unaffected skin from the AA mouse model strain, C3H/HeJ, reveals that BIM expression levels and localization pattern are aberrant in affected hair follicles compared to unaffected C3H/HeJ and C57BL6 hair follicles.