Fig. 1.
DNMT1, TET1, and MBD2 binding to GAD1, RELN, and DBNF-IX promoters in PFC (BA9) of non-psychiatric subjects (NPS), schizophrenia (SZ), and bipolar (BP) disorder patients. Chromatin immune precipitation was performed as described in Materials and methods using the indicated antibodies. Top panels show DNMT1 ChIP results at the GAD1, RELN and BDNF IX promoters. Middle panels correspond to TET1 ChIP data and bottom panels show data obtained with MBD2 antibody. Denotes significant difference from NPS (*P< 0.05). One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni comparison. Note: 1 sample from NPS and 1 sample from SZ were excluded from statistical analysis because they were identified as outliers when analyzed using the Boxplot of PASW v18 software (see method).