Figure 2. Equilibrium and kinetic folding of wild-type TAPLRR.
(A) Denaturation curves for wild-type TAPLRR, monitored by fluorescence (black) and CD (blue). The data were fitted to a two-state equation, represented by the solid line in the same colour. (B), (C) Kinetic traces for refolding at 0.5 M and 1.6 M urea, the solid line is the fit of a double exponential. (D) Kinetic trace for refolding at 1.6 M urea, the solid line is the fit of a single exponential, with linear instrumental drift. Clearly this does not reproduce the observed kinetic trace and hence justifies the fitting of a double exponential. (E), (F) Kinetic trace for unfolding at 5M and 8.6 M urea. In both cases the solid black line is a fit to a double exponential decay. In figures (B) to (F) the residuals are shown below the plot, normalised by the maximum fluorescence value of the corresponding kinetic trace; the fluorescence intensity is in arbitrary units.