Figure 4.
Decreased food intake by Dagla and Cnr1 KO mice at weaning. (A) Intake of HFD by Dagla male mice (three mice/cage, five cages/genotype). (B) Intake of HFD by Cnr1 male mice (two to three mice/cage, five cages/genotype). For (A,B), KO mice different from WT mice, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. (C) Body weights of ad lib-fed Dagla KO mice, ad lib-fed WT littermate mice (WT-AL), and WT littermate mice that were pair-fed to the Dagla KO mice (WT-PF). Mice were individually housed weanling female littermates fed LFD; seven mice/group. KO mice different from WT-AL mice, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01; WT-PF mice different from WT-AL mice, ^P < 0.05. (D) Body weights of ad lib-fed Dagla KO mice, ad lib-fed WT littermate mice (WT-AL), and WT littermate mice that were pair-fed to the Dagla KO mice (WT-PF). All mice were individually housed 27-week-old male littermates fed HFD; seven mice/group.