(a,b) and the bounded-rationality model (c,d). e-m plane at δV = 0.02 of the rational decision model (a) and the bounded-rationality case (c,d) at cognitive parameters αV = 0.8271, αN = 0.9480, λV,o = 9.4515, λV,c = 1.7600, λN,o = 1.9011, λN,c = 1.7438, ηV = 0.2827, ηN = 0.5114. In (a) there are two bistability regions where the equilibrium points and are stable in region III, and the equilibrium points and are stable in region II. Besides, equilibrium point is stable in region I and in an extremely narrow stripe between the two bistability regions II and III (bounded by e = 0.941159 and e = 0.941176). M = .00975 is the cutoff vaccine cost in case δV = 0.02 in (a) (see also panel (b)). (b) A contour plot for values of calculated at each pair of (e,m) in the rational decision model. The full vaccination equilibrium point is stable in the regions where δV is larger than the value of and equation (8) in Appendix II is valid, that is e < 0.941159. With deviation from the rational decision model, a different e—m plane emerges in (c). There, a bistability region (II) of the equilibrium points and transpires as well as other regions of stability for in IV, in I, and in III. Limit cycles appear in region V. (d) e—δV plane of stability, at m = 0, in which the equilibrium point is stable in region I and in region II while limit cycles appear in region III. In both (c) and (d), the line between the regions where is stable and the limit cycles is a supercritical Hopf bifurcation line whereas the rest of the lines are stability changing bifurcation lines. Limit cycles of vaccine coverage rate (e) and incidence (f) at δV = 0.02, m = 0, and e = 0.99. The rest of the parameters are κ = 1.69,c = 1.46,δN = 0.02 in all of the subpanels.