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. 2015 May 20;15:419. doi: 10.1186/s12885-015-1404-9

Table 4.

Statistical evaluation of the benefit of diverse chemotherapy regimens used for adjuvant treatment in patients with T4 UICC II

Group comparisons
FUFOL FUFOL + Oxaliplatin Others + Oxaliplatin Other substances Substance unknown No chemotherapy
Chemotheraphy Chi- Chi- Chi- Chi- Chi- Chi-
group square Sig. square Sig. square Sig. square Sig. square Sig. square Sig.
Long Rank FUFOL ,072 ,788 . . ,013 ,909 ,563 ,453 4,179 ,041
(Mantel-Cox) FUFOL + Oxaliplatin ,072 ,788 ,074 ,785 ,192 ,661 ,015 ,901 3,934 ,047
Others + Oxaliplatin . . ,074 ,785 ,118 ,732 . . ,628 ,428
Other substances ,013 ,909 ,192 ,661 ,118 ,732 ,223 ,636 4,370 ,037
Substance unknown ,563 ,453 ,015 ,901 ,223 ,636 ,681 ,409
No chemotheraphy 4,179 ,041 3,934 ,047 ,628 ,428 4,370 ,037 ,681 ,409