Figure 2. SOM cells provide subtractive inhibition in piriform cortex.
a) PCx multiunit activity (MUA) is enhanced by SOM cell photoinactivation. Traces show interleaved trials with LED off (top) and LED on (bottom, orange bar) from a representative recording. AA; amyl acetate. b) Individual experiment showing effects of SOM cell inactivation on MUA evoked by different concentrations of amyl acetate (grey boxes). c) Line fit to MUA for six odor intensities in b shows that LED illumination leads to a significant offset in intercept (b) without altering slope (m) of PCx activity. d) Summary of 11 experiments (grey points and lines) and average of the linear fits (thick black line) shows a purely additive shift in PCx activity. e) Normalized odor intensity-response curves (n=11, mean ± SEM) for MUA under control conditions (black) and during SOM cell inactivation (red). The increase in activity caused by the LED at 0 ppm distinguishes a vertical from horizontal shift of the odor intensity-response curve.