The chart shows the number of epitopes found in the reaction mixture after incubation with digestive enzyme supplements or AN-PEP. An epitope is counted as present irrespective of its concentration, or the form in which it appears, 33-mer or one of its degradation products. Reactions with digestive enzymes were performed at their optimal pH 7.0, and reactions with AN-PEP at pH 5.0. In addition, when tested in the whole pH range 2 to 11, none of the digestive enzyme supplements was able to neutralize a single epitope (see also S4 and S5 Figs). A, No neutralization at a dose of 1 or 10 capsule equivalents digestive enzyme supplements (1/10 capsule was not tested) after 30 minutes at 37°C. As a control, AN-PEP was tested at a dose of 1/10 and 1 capsule. B, No neutralization of epitopes by digestive enzyme supplements, even after 120 minutes of incubation at 37°C. As a control, the time-dependent degradation by AN-PEP is shown.