Figure 8.
The GFP-cyc transgene rescues activity rhythms and expression in brain pacemaker neurons. A, w1118; cyc01 (cyc01), w1118; GFP-cyc; cyc01 (GFP-cyc; cyc01), and y1 w67c23; P{CaryP}attP40 (attP40; attP insertion site for GFP-cyc) flies were entrained in LD cycles for 3 d and transferred to DD. Activity in DD was analyzed as described in Materials and Methods. N, Number of animals tested; % Rhythmic, percentage of flies that showed significant rhythmicity; Period ± SEM, rhythm period ± SEM; Power ± SEM, rhythm power ± SEM. B, Representative actograms of flies tested in A. Flies of the indicated genotypes were entrained in LD cycles, then placed in DD for at least 7 d. The actograms show two LD cycles per line, where the second cycle on a line is the same as the first cycle on the following line. White boxes, Lights-on period; black boxes, lights-off period; gray asterisk, time when flies were placed in DD; vertical bars, fly activity. The height of vertical bars indicates relative level of activity.