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. 2015 Jun 2;10(6):e0127622. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127622

Table 2. Baseline Characteristics and Age at Study Visit.

Withholding breastfeeding Arm(N = 200) Immediate breastfeeding Arm (N = 200)
N % or Mean (SD) n % or Mean (SD)
Male; % 89 45.0 108 54.0
Age in Weeks; mean (SD) 200 6.3 (0.5) 200 6.3 (0.5)
Length (cm); mean (SD) 200 53.5 (2.5) 200 53.7 (2.5)
Weight (g) at 6 weeks; mean (SD) 200 3939.1 (619.2) 200 4047.5 (594.7)
FOC (cm) at 6 weeks; mean (SD) 200 36.7 (1.6) 200 36.9 (2.0)
Age of Mother (years); mean (SD) 200 26.1 (4.5) 200 25.6 (5.1)
Mother Years of Schooling; mean (SD) 200 4.7 (4.5) 200 4.7 (4.5)
Father Years of Schooling; mean (SD) 200 5.5 (4.7) 200 5.6 (4.7)
Type of milk
 Exclusive breastfed;% 153 76.5 158 79.0
 Breast milk plus formula;% 46 23.0 42 21.0
 Exclusive formula milk;% 1 0.5 - -
Main source of water
 Piped in/out dwelling; % 106 53.0 115 57.5
 Tube/deep tube well; % 1 0.5 1 0.5
 Surface well; % - - 1 0.5
 Surface water; % 33 16.5 26 13.0
 Bottled/filtered; % 50 25.0 49 24.5
 Other; % 10 5.0 8 4.0
Main material of roof
 Jute/bamboo/mud; % 4 2.0 4 2.0
 Tin; % 10 5.0 6 3.0
 Cement/concrete; % 186 93.0 189 94.5
 Other; % - - 1 0.5
Main type of toilet
 Septic tank/modern toilet; % 14 7.0 17 8.5
 Pit latrine, water sealed; % 25 12.5 28 14.0
 Pit latrine, not water sealed; % 161 80.5 155 77.5
Place of delivery
 Home; % 75 37.5 70 35.0
 Hospital/Clinic; % 125 62.5 130 65.0
Age of visit in weeks ; mean (SD)
 Visit 2 181 10.4 (0.5) 172 10.4 (0.6)
 Visit 3 181 14.6 (0.6) 172 14.6 (0.6)
 Visit 4 181 18.7 (0.7) 172 18.7 (0.7)

per-protocol population