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. 2015 Jun 2;10(6):e0129060. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0129060

Table 1. Risk of bias of the included trials.

Study Sequence generation Allocation concealment Blinding of participants and personnel* Blinding of outcome assessment Incomplete outcome data assessed Selective reporting Free of other bias Overall risk
Lopez 2002 [39] Low risk of bias. (Randomization by toss of coin.) Unclear risk of bias.(No mention of concealment.) High risk of bias.(No blinding strategy.) Low risk of bias.(Obstetrician masked.) Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. High risk of bias.
Jeffcoat 2003 [40] Low risk of bias. (Randomization accomplished by code.) Low risk of bias.(Allocation concealment by use of double packet with coding information.) Low risk of bias. (Mention about blinding in study design.????? Can this become more clear?????) Low risk of bias. (Mention about blinding in study design.) Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias.
Sadamansouri 2006 [41] Unclear risk of bias.(No mention about how randomization was accomplished.) Unclear risk of bias.(No information on allocation concealment.) High risk of bias.(No mention about blinding.) High risk of bias.(No mention about blinding Unclear risk of bias.(Effects of covariates and confounders on outcomes are not examined.) Low risk of bias. Unclear risk of bias.(Imbalance in baseline characteristics.) High risk of bias.
Offenbacher 2006 [42] Unclear risk of bias. (No mention about how randomization was accomplished.) Unclear risk of bias (No information on allocation concealment.) Low risk of bias.(Mention about examiners being blinded.) Low risk of bias.(Mention about examiners being blinded.) Low risk of bias Low risk of bias. Unclear risk of bias. (Periodontal status imbalanced at baseline.) High risk of bias.
Michalowicz 2006 [43] Low risk of bias. (Block randomization.) Low risk of bias. (Mention about telephone calls and central randomization.) Low risk of bias.(Mention about blinding in study design.) Low risk of bias.(Mention about blinding in study design.) Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias.
Tarannum and Faiduzzin 2007 [44] Low risk of bias. (Randomization by flip of coin.) Unclear risk of bias. (No mention about allocation concealment.) High risk of bias.(No information on blinding strategy is provided.) High risk of bias.(No mention about blinding.) Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. High risk of bias.
Radnai 2009 [45] Low risk of bias. (Block randomization by of random sequence of numbers.) Unclear risk of bias. (No mention about allocation concealment.) Low risk of bias.(Mention about blinding in study design.) Low risk of bias.(Mention about blinding in study design.) Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. High risk of bias.
Newnham 2009 [46] Low risk of bias. (Randomization accomplished by computer generated software.) Unclear risk of bias.(No mention about allocation concealment.) High risk of bias.(No information on blinding strategy is provided.) Low risk of bias.(Assessors unaware of treatment.) Low risk of bias Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. High risk of bias.
Offenbacher 2009 [47] Low risk of bias. (Permutated block randomization.) Unclear risk of bias (no mention about allocation concealment) High risk of bias.(No information on blinding strategy is provided.) Low risk of bias.(Dental examiners were blinded.) Unclear risk of bias. (Unclear how missing data was treated.) Low risk of bias. Unclear risk of bias. (Baseline characteristics similar excepting for number of nulliparous pregnancies and self-reported alcohol use.) High risk of bias.
Oliveira 2011 [48] Unclear risk of bias. (Not clear how randomization was accomplished.) Unclear risk of bias.(No mention about allocation concealment.) High risk of bias. (No information on blinding strategy is provided.) Low risk of bias.(Mention about blinding in study design.) Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Unclear risk of bias. (Differences in periodontal status at baseline.) High risk of bias.
Macones 2011 [49] Low risk of bias. (Permutated block randomization.) Unclear risk of bias. (No mention about allocation concealment). High risk of bias.(No information on blinding strategy is provided.) Low risk of bias.(Outcome assessors blinded.) Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. High risk of bias.
Pirie 2013 [8] Low risk of bias. (Randomization accomplished by computer generated random number.) Low risk of bias.(Allocation concealment accomplished by use of opaque sealed envelope.) Low risk of bias. (Staff members were masked for treatment.) Low risk of bias. (Staff members were masked for treatment.) Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias.
Weidlich 2013 [7] Low risk of bias. (Randomization accomplished by computer generated random number-block stratification.) Low risk of bias. (Allocation concealment accomplished by use of sealed envelope.) High risk of bias.(No information on blinding strategy is provided.) Low risk of bias.(Independent examiners.) Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias. Low risk of bias.

* Risk of bias stemming from not blinding participants or personnel was not used to decide a trial’s overall risk of bias.