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. 2015 Mar 24;6(2):e00097-15. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00097-15


Linear mixed effects modeling of lactic acid bacteria and vaginal pHa

Model and parameters Result for model
LAB model [logit(LAB) ~ TB + age + 1|subject + ε]
    Random effects Variance SDb No. of observations No. of groups
        Subject (intercept)     4.4     2.1     189     28
        Residual     7.3     2.7
    Fixed effects/contrastsb Coefficientc SE df P valued
        Intercept     −6.1     4.4     150.6     1.7E-01
        TB 3 vs. 2     3.3     0.7     183.9     1.1E-05***
        TB 4 vs. 3     −0.6     0.5     176.2     2.6E-01
        TB 5 vs. 4     0.4     0.7     176.7     5.6E-01
        Age     0.7     0.4     151.7     4.1E-02*
Vaginal pH model (pH ~ TB + menarche status + age + 1|subject + ε)
    Random effects Variance SD No. of observations No. of groups
        Subject (intercept)     0.6     0.8     122     20
        Residual     0.4     0.6
    Fixed effects/contrastsb Coefficientc SE df P valued
        Intercept     9.3     1.4     112.5     2.1E-09***
        TB 3 vs. 2     −0.3     0.2     108.6     2.1E-01
        TB 4 vs. 3     0.0     0.2     105.5     8.4E-01
        TB 5 vs. 4     0.0     0.2     104.2     8.6E-01
        Postmenarche vs. premenarche     −0.2     0.2     115.5     3.7E-01
        Age     −0.3     0.1     113.4     7.1E-03**

LAB, lactic acid bacterium proportion; TB, Tanner breast stage; ε, random error; SD, standard deviation; SE, standard error; df, degrees of freedom.


Contrasts between successive Tanner stages were made, excluding stage 1 (not represented).


Marginal slope of the fixed effect on the response.


Significance is indicated as follows: *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.