Table 1. Initial EF (EF-0).
Cell line | EF-0 |
A818 | 1.18±0.22 |
ASPC1 | 1.16±0.10 |
BxPc3 | 1.11±0.06 |
Capan1 | 1.08±0.03 |
Capan2 | 1.14±0.09 |
HPaf | 1.21±0.20 |
MiaPaCa2 | 1.13±0.12 |
MPanc96 | 1.11±0.04 |
Panc1 | 1.09±0.05 |
Patu8902 | 1.12±0.04 |
Patu8988S | 1.11±0.04 |
Patu8988T | 1.11±0.06 |
Su8686 | 1.11±0.12 |
Suit0028 | 1.11±0.11 |
Suit007 | 1.15±0.09 |
Average | 1.13±0.03 |
Abbreviations: EF=elongation factors; HMC=human mesothelial cell; PDAC=pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
This table shows all PDAC cell lines initially chosen for our investigations.
EF-0s, corresponding standard deviations and averaged value of all examined PDAC cell lines are listed in alphabetical order. The factored-0s range from EF-0Capan1 1.08±0.03 to EF-0HPaf 1.21±0.2, and average EF-0all cell lines 1.13±0.03. All PDAC cell lines show round shapes at the beginning of their cell–cell interactions with HMCs.